Find out which program is best for you and what you can expect when you sign up.

  • Binge Eating Disorder and Emotional Eating are extremely common. You may find yourself stuck in a cycle of restriction and binging with poor body image and low self-esteem as a result. Binge Eating is not the problem, it is a symptom of the problem. No diet or amount of motivation will combat this long term.

    In the Eating Freely™ Program we use:

    CBT tools to help lessen emotional eating and binging immediately.

    Nutritional therapy to get you back on track.

    Neuroscience to take back control from what is driving your eating behaviors.

    Coaching and mindfulness to make long-term sustainable changes so you can feel free around food, forever.

    If you are ready to feel free around food, get in touch to find out more about the 3 and 6-month programs.

  • We all have thoughts and behavioral patterns that we learn throughout our own life and unique set of experiences. Your thoughts (even the subconscious ones) are the core of how you behave each day and that behavior is what gets you the results you see in relationships, in work and in other parts of life. Identifying your limiting beliefs can help you approach situations with a whole new and empowering perspective and can transform the outcomes you’ve been seeing for years!

How does it work?

We begin with a Free Consultation Call to identify your goals and to check if you’re a good candidate for the program. Based on our discussion I will advise which program would be best suited to you.

Eating Freely™ works based on the 4 R’s principle:

Reduce episodes of Binging and Emotional Eating.

Rehabilitate your gut and health through Nutritional Therapy.

Reset your brain by teaching you how to break Autopilots and Habit Loops.

Re-program that negative critical voice in your head to help you reduce stress and overwhelm.

We will work together to develop:

  • Practical tools and strategies to help manage your unhelpful behaviors better;

  • Explore your current ways of coping and develop healthier solutions to dealing with stress and difficult emotions; and

  • You will build up a comprehensive toolkit of resources and strategies during this time that will help you feel free around food, forever!

What to Expect in a Consultation Call

You might feel nervous about booking a session.

Maybe you’ve never told anyone about your relationship with food.

You might think there is no way out and the program won’t work for you.

This is all completely normal. The Program is designed to help you step by step. 

Book a discovery call with no obligation to sign up.

We’ll have a chat so you can learn more about the program and if it’s right for you.

“Coaching is a Gym, not a Spa”


Just like everything else, you have to be willing to put the work in if you want to see results. I will provide you with full support throughout the program to help you break free from emotional eating. If you show up to your sessions fully and you take the actions we agree on between sessions, you will begin to see a major shift towards a life you feel truly aligned with.